Kyo the cat
So I thought that I'd follow up Yuki with my favourite character from Fruits Basket, Kyo. Don't ask me why I like him so much. He's brash, rude, loud and flies off the handle a lot, but at times in the anime he shows real kindness to Torhu. Maybe that's why he's my favourite. He's very human. He acts like the majority of us.
Or maybe it's the fact that his dark secret is that he turns into a cat and I absoluty love cats (see the pics of my cat posted in October)!
Anyway, Kyo and the cat were drawn and coloured with markers. The rest is all photoshop magic. I'm getting better at drawing on photoshop (not just using the airbrush and blur tools anymore). I'm also saving up fo a tablet so my drawings can be done a bit faster.
Soon very soon my plans will come to fruition!
Fairy Sk8er
I've been alittle strapped for time lately. So much so that I've been trading sleep for work (or is that work for sleep since I've fallen asleep a few times at work. Trust me this is harder then you think seeing as all 3 of my jobs require me to stand). So when I got a few moments I scanned this older sketch I did a few months ago. I had planned on finishing it but alas it will have to wait for a while. The pose came from a magazine I think. Although I've lost the magazine so I can't be sure. I think it's cute kind of how I feel when I'm skating, it's like I have wings and my skates are magical. That's the only way I can explain my double jumps. I miss skating. This 3 job thing is getting to be a bit much. But well what are you going to do? The world is driven the almighty dollar, not pretty fairy skaters.
Sometimes I draw a picture that almost exactly represents my mood. This is one of those drawings. I don't know why but I've been feeling a bit isolated. Since I've been working 3 jobs and only seem to talk to people who have instructions for me, it feels like I've become a bit introverted, not in actions but in what I say to people. I feel I'm always careful about what I'm saying and aware of how I'm trying to be cheerful and general. I mean I still have normal conversations with my fellow co-workers but it's not a real conversation. It's like most of my conversations go as follows:
1: Hey! How are you?
2: oh hey, I'm good...Um been outside lately. It's gone real cold huh?
1: Yeah. Too bad this is just the begining of winter.
2: humm, I suppose. But you could go away for a week or so
1: True true....Maybe somewhere warm.
2: yeah.....well gotta go there's work to be done
It reminds me of those family guy gags where theres a weird awkward pause, or where they drag the gag out just a bit too far. I guess when I'm not so new and people know me a bit better it will be better, until then I'll just keep trying to have real conversations.
Prince Yuki
This is kind of funny. I did this drawing as fan art for the show Fruits Basket. It's a cute and sweet anime and I suggest that everyone see it. The character here is known as 'Prince' Yuki, mainly because he's the schools pretty boy and of course everyone loves him. His dark secret is that he turns into a rat when hugged by any girl.
But what's so funny? Well 2 things. The first is that this picture was absurdly easy to draw. I did it this past summer in a matter of a day. The character and 'throne' were done with marker and then I totally made up the background on photoshop.
The second is what is going on in my life. I drew this when I couldn't get a job no matter how hard I tried. Now, almost daily, I'm getting calls of either a job offer or interview. Suddenly I'm so absurdly busy that I don't even have the time to produce a fully finished pic such as this. Funny how things work out like that. At lease I don't have to worry about being frustrated over not being able to draw well. I don't have the time!
Musical Sketches
So seeing as it's Novemeber and that season known only as Christmas is approaching fast (thought the stores would have you believe that the season is now and that your running out of time) I decided to try and get a start on gifts for my friends. This year I decided to make a mix Cd of my favorite music (all leagally bought), and I'd design a cover and label for them as well. So the above are 2 random preliminary skectches of the cover. I'm not too happy with either (my frustration is still commimg through when I draw) but they are a start at least. Hoprfully this year I'll get them done in time. Stay posted for the finished version.
Just some sketches
Thought I'd post some sketches of stuff I'm working on while trying to get through my frustration. Eventually these will be coloured. I'm still not sure of the posing but so far their not too bad. Enjoy
Battel Face
So I've had a really crappy week. I spent the Sunday before Halloween arguing with my father and then I spent the rest of the week avoiding him because every time I look at him I get frustrated. The main problem I have with him is the fact that he never is wrong even when he is! (Not that I'm always right, but I do like my oint of view to at least be heard) I often feel like I'm dealing with a child who hasn't developed the logic skills that we all aquire as we age. It's just he's right and that's the end of it (I wish I could blame some kind of mental illness for his behaviour, but alas no). So even if I try to discuss what happened and how I feel, the conversation ends up I'm wrong, the world hates me because I'm miserable all the time (apparently I don't even know how to smile), and since I'm his child and only a child I should obey him and be done with (even though by all the standards of the world I'm considered an adult and have been for some time now). So all that pent up frustration led to this drawing. I just feel that sometimes to make him listen I need a battel face (and be male because he never gives my brother this kind of agravation, and I'm the eldest so that makes no sense) or else he won't take me seriously. Either that, or I ignor him for a few months (when he ruined my birthday I didn't talk to him for 6 weeks) and he eventually forgets.