Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Tropical swimmers

I did these not too long ago. Well a few years now but I still like them.
Originally I was going to do the zodiac signs with these but I never followed through with the other eight signs. Basically after I did the water signs (Pieces, Scorpio, and Cancer) and one land sign (Virgo), I coudn't think of anything else for the other signs (Fire, Land, Air) plus I had inspiration for another picture so I abondonned the project and never returned. Maybe one day I'll finish the set. Who knows.
All four were done with markers and some pencil crayons along with a white out pen. I even used a china marker for the clouds. The water reflections on the blonde took forever. I practiced on a lot of scrap to get it just right but I still think it looks odd. The spalsh also looks off.
The one thing I am happy about is the blending on the surfer. That is just marker and patience. I used up the ramainder of my blending marker but I think it was totally worth it. Don't you?
The poses I 'borrowed' from a Victoria's secret catalogue. When I need inspiration for fashion and interesting poses VS is a handy fall back. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Inspired by Twilight

First off Happy New year! I hope that everyone had fun and got at lest a few hours to enjoy themseleves. Me I got some time off, not much but I managed to get a few sketches on to the computer for your viewing pleasure.
These pics were inspired by a book I'm reading called Twilight. It's a book about a love story between a human girl named Bella and a vampire named Edward. The book is by Stephenie Myer and I suggest that you check it out. I read it in a day flat. (I didn't sleep) and then read the sequel immedialtely after. It's an amazing read. I'm real
y looking forward to the next two books (apparently due out later this year and then the year after that, according to her web site). I was so enamoured by the stories that I bought the first book for a friend of mine who claimed that vampires might be too dark for her tastes and that she was a slow reader.
I gave her the
book on the 23rd and she's half way through already. I've directed her to the web site for the book more info and inspiration.
Speaking of the web site Stephanie Myer has a play list of the songs that she was listening to while she wrote the books. I decided to download the songs and listen to them while I re-read the books. It's amazing how she's channeled the feelings and the sentiments of the songs into the story. I must admitt she's got some interesting taste in music. I've found a few more bands that I need to pick up Cd's for.
If you can't tell I really like these books, I really can't do them justice by describing them you've got to read them for yourself. Twilight and New Moon by Stephenie Myer. Let me know what you think.