So I change from skaters to dancers. Actually these were inspired by the show 'So you think you can dance'. That is one addictive show! So rather then just being a couch potatoe I decided to try and draw some poses from the talented dancers. Easier said then done! I had to translate a mood and movement into a static image and then put my characters into the mix. I'm really not sure if I was successful, but they look neat so....
Again with the skaters. I really like skating (I should, this was my sport of shoice for over 10 years). So I draw a lot of figure skaters and skating fashions. Usually with a twist, like these 2 here.
This picture is a water colour and ink painting I did for a skating friend. She had an accident and broke her toe, so that means she can't skate for a few weeks. Although I think she'll try and push it and get back on the ice in a few days. She had pointed the sketch I did of this pic out of one of my sketch books and exclaimed 'I'll take that one please'. So I decided to give her a finished copy as a gift. Hopefully she'll like it.
Shawna & Vache
So last year I introduced my friend Shawna to anime with a show called Trigun. She loved it and proceeded to rent the entire series from the local video store. For a whole month all I heard was Trigun this Trigun that, how cute Vache is Why are anime guys drawn so good looking? I almost wished that I had chosen a different series. But her enthusiasim was contagious. So for a birthday gift I drew her as an anime character and had her hugging Vache (she has the only colour copy and the only original). She absolutely loved it. So here is my skech of Shawna hanging all over Vache in typical fan-girl fashion.
Liquid Flame
So I was messing around with Photoshop the other day and an old sketch, and by fluke I ended up with this. Well not so much a sketch but a nearly finished pic; it's a bit to clean to be a sketch. But I digress, the neat thing I managed (by mistake I might add) is the flame. First I scanned the pic and darkened the lines because they were barely visible. Then on a new layer I used the ploygon lasso tool to make a random shape. Then I filled it with a rainbow gradient. I copied the layer painted in some random stars in various colours, and put a glowing edge filter on it. Now here's where my fluke happened. I accidentally hit the liquid button on the filter menu. I experimented and ended up with what you see. I duplicated the effect on both layers of the flame and there you have it. I left the rest as is to make the flame stand out.
Afro Chicken
So I was digging around my room, cleaning out some stuff and I stumbled across these pics. They're from when I wnet to the Royal Winter fair with school. Every year we'd go and draw for a few hours and come home stinking of barnyard animals. It was generally pretty fun, especially when you heard of people trying to sneak in because they couldn't afford the outing. So these are my afro chickens (why I keep old drawings around is beyond me, my inner pack rat won't let things go). They're just rough sketches done with a black ball point pen in an 9x10 sketchbook. I will admitt that I'm gald I kept these drawings, they make me laugh.
Alizee take 2
Yeay! (is that how you spell yeay?) I fixed the colours. I just saved the original in the wrong format (CYMK instead of RGB). I must admitt the red does look vibrant. It took me a few hours to get her hair the way I wanted it but it looks good. You may be wondering about the 'FuturEcco-2006' watermark on some pics. A friend pointed out that if I wasn't careful my stuff could be copied or stolen and that i should add a watermark to at least prevent theft. I admitt it's not a perfect solution but it does the trick for the most part. I might also point out that it was the same friend who said 'I think her head is too big for her body'. Upon closer inspection I think they may have a valid point. But I still like it anyway despite bad anatomy.
Pirates in Skates
So I was inspired by the Pirates of the Carribean movies for these sketches. I thought it would be fun (being a figure skating fan) if a skater this year would dress up and skate to the music. So I started designing pirate costumes to skate in. I'm not sure how practical they would be but they look neat none the less. The poses most likely came from a fashion magazine, and that's why they lack action. Also I have a new scanner and I got to say it's not as user friendly as my last. I have to jump through hoops just to get a better resolution. These pics aren't the greatest res but...
Autumn (the Fall)
It's September! I don't know if I should be happy about that. Sure the leaves changing colour is great and all but it means that we're one step closer to winter. I hate the cold of winter. Anyway, This is my autumn or fall fairy. She was coloured using markers (of various brands) and her wings and the background was all done on Photoshop. Unfortunately I sold the original of this pic and this is just the photo I took of it for my records. The original I actually painted on some sparkles onto the wings and added some gold to the leaves in the background. It looked much better then this does. But at least the colours came out alright. Very crayon bright. Can you tell that I like bright colours.